Thursday, December 18, 2008


We are starting the novel Number the Stars after break. Students are more than welcome to purchase their own copy to read at home.

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break! I will see you in January!
Mrs. King

Friday, December 12, 2008

Vocabulary Test postponed til Monday

Students have not finished their assignments on Study Island. We will be in the computer lab all day for so they can finish. Students will take the vocabulary quiz on Pro and Retro on Monday.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. King

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I made a mistake this week when posting homework. ....... I was off a day (today is acutally Thursday not Wednesday)and I forgot to change Monday's homework. I hope you can forgive me :) Students will be working on Study Island today so the only homework tonight is to study for the vocabulary quiz. Since I have been posting my homework daily and not making any was time for errors. :) Please let me know if I make anymore!
Mrs. King

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Help Your Child Become a Better Reader

What Can Parents Do To Help Their Children Become Better Readers:
*discuss what your child has been reading in school (& pleasure reading)
*take your child to the public library
*read the newspaper with your child
*get your child a magazine subscription
*let your child do the newspaper crossword puzzle (builds vocabulary)
*let your older children read to your younger children (both will benefit)
*let your child ask you questions about what you've been reading
*turn on the closed captioning on your television (to increase reading speed)
*read the books your child is reading in school so you have discussion topics