Wednesday, September 30, 2009


No School

I was out so the students had a substitute. They were to finish all classwork not finished. They read two stories, answered the questions, and two journal responses. pgs 130-140

Finish work from Tuesday

1st Core : finish reading "Langston Terrace"
2nd Core and 3rd Core: Questions on page 438 1-9

No Homework

Monday, September 21, 2009


Monday 9-21-09
(1st Core: No Homework)
Finish Questions on page 112

Finish Questions on page 112


Progress Reports need to be signed


I am allowing students to bring in a snack (for themselves) to eat during Enrichment. They are not allowed to eat candy, chocolate, junk food or drink sodas. However, they may drink water. Snack ideas....pretzels, granola bars, trail mix, fruit, crackers, vegetables and cheese.

Supplies Needed

For each classroom we need Clorox wipes or antibacterial wipes so students can clean their desks. We also need hand santizer.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Monday 9-14-09
No Homework

Tuesday 9-15-09
Plot Chart (we went over this in class)

Core 1: Front side of open book test
Core 2 & 3: No Homework

Students are working on a project in my class. They can work on this at home as well. They are making a story quilt in class. They will not be able to work on the final product but they can brainstorm, make sketches, and come up with ideas.

No Homework

Friday, September 11, 2009

Class Discussion

We discussed fact and opinion this week. Students read a nonfiction selection and we discussed personal accounts of stage fright. Students also presented their biocubes on Tuesday. I was very impressed with their boxes. It was very interesting to hear about their lives. This grade will count as a test grade. Only a few students did not turn in a biocube. Students were in the computer lab on Friday working on Study Island. They took tests on making predictions and fact and opinion. They are able to work on this at home. I encourage my students to make at least a 90 before moving onto the next section. We will continue our discussions on fiction and nonfiction next week.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. King

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


No Homework

Finish journal response (on your personal experience with stage fright)

If students did not finish questions for "Stage Fright," they need to do so for homework.
Please have students add an emergency contact number in their agenda incase they need it.

No Homework
Students can go onto study island at home. They have their username and passwords in their agenda.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Class Discussion

We are learning about fiction and nonfiction. We read "Greyling" in our literature book and "Drive In Movies." They seemed to really enjoy these stories. We did a very interesting debate on whether children should be paid for their chores or not. They also responded to this in their notebooks. They had an open book test on both stories. Hopefully, you will have the grades next week. "All most every student" turned in their Biocube. They will present these on Tuesday. Students can still turn these in by Tuesday but points will be taken off for being late. On Friday, students logged onto Study Island and took a test about predictions. They can access this at home if they want to work on it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Biocubes are due this Friday. All students received a handout on what is needed on their box and how it will be graded. Students will not present these until Tuesday.
Mrs. King