Monday, August 30, 2010

Autobiography Project

Autobiography Assignment: Due Friday

Students are required to come up with a project that is a “quick” autobiography of their lives. This is a great way for students to share things about themselves that others may not know.

Students may create posters, cubes, PowerPoints or use Glogster EDU to share their information.
If you are using Glogster your usernames and passwords will be ready Tuesday.

Glogster EDU is a tool to create online multimedia “posters” that can incorporate all types of elements into a visual space: links, images, text, videos, music, and more. Students will have multiple ways to express themselves and to learn from each other, making it easy to differentiate and engage each student. The ad-free EDU community offered by Glogster is designed to alleviate the problems of inappropriate content and contact with “outsiders” not welcome in my class’s electronic community.

Autobiography Project Requirements:

1. All sides or spaces consist of information about your life.
2. Objects that represent you/your life are put inside of biocube or brought to class. Student must have at least two objects. See me about pictures for powerpoints and Glogster.
3. Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics/pictures, effects, etc. to enhance project.
4. Product shows a large amount of original thought. Ideas are creative and inventive.


Core 1, 2, 3, 4
Work on Autobiography Project

Students should read pages 4 & 5 in the literature book.
Students should take cornell notes on these pages. Look for words in bold print.


Core 1
Work on Autobiography Project
Core 2
Work on Autobiography Project
and finish notes on pages 4-5
Core 3
Work on Autobiography Project
Elements of Fiction for the story "Greyling"
Core 4
Finish notes on pages 4 & 5
Work on Autobiography Project

Autobiography Project


If you are using Glogster EDU, I will have your usernames and passwords ready tomorrow. You can create a paper copy of the information that you want to add to your electronic poster and then create the project tomorrow when you get home.
Mrs. King

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Core 1:
Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork :)

Welcome 6th Graders!!

I just wanted to welcome you to a new school year at SBMS. Unfortunately, I missed the first couple of days because I had jury duty. My first day with our sixth grade students will be Friday. I am looking forward to meeting everyone!
Mrs. King

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Open Gym

Unfortunately, I have to cancel open gym again. I woke up this morning sick and will not be able to attend. Next week, I have a teacher workshop so I will not be able to have it then either. I think at this point that I need to cancel open gym for the summer and start back up during the school year. I am sorry for the inconvenience! Ladies continue to practice at home.
Coach King