Monday, February 21, 2011


Students must present their biographies Tuesday. They will not have time to work on these projects.

Weekly Essentials 15 due Thursday

Read Novels :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Children's Books

Your biographies are due Monday! I really want you to use your information and create a Children's story. I do not want it to be a list of facts! Please make sure you finish your stories and be ready to assemble your books on Monday. You can do this over the weekend if you would like. You will need to bring in your materials on Monday. I want your Children's book to read like a short story......Once again, Please complete them over the weekend and be ready to create your book on Monday. Books are due on Tuesday.
Mrs. King

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homework for 2-17-11

Students must finish research and begin writing Children's Book. You will need your material to make your children's book tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This Week....

We are starting Nonfiction this nine weeks. :) Students are starting a biography project and should be working on this at home. We will be creating Children's Books with the information. Please help your child with this project. They will need materials to create their book. Ideas for materials: Construction Paper, Scrapbook paper, wrapping paper, cardboard, Cereal Boxes...any type of boxes, glue, tape, stickers, glitter, ribbons, etc. They can use anything around the house. Be creative :)

I did not assign Weekly Essentials this week for homework.... so the only homework assignments are reading and the biography.


Monday, February 7, 2011


Weekly Essentials 14
Come up with 7-10 Morals/lessons that would be important for you and your peers

Students need to have their final rough draft for fable tomorrow in class. They may need to call their partner and finish over the phone.
Weekly Essentials 14

Finish your fables!! Final Copies are due tomorrow.