Monday, September 29, 2014


Study "Arachne" in your literature book! I have the literature book online and told students to come see my if they did not have access to the Internet so that I can provide them with a copy.

Also, look over the two worksheets that we did on "Arachne."

Monday, September 22, 2014

This Week

Students still have the chance to retake the grammar quiz and "He Lion" test

This week we are reading a myth.  Students will be able to identify cause and effect relationships, determine theme, and cite textual evidence.

I will introduce Greek Mythology and then we will be reading "Arachne" in their literature book.  Students will have an open book test on this in the middle of the week and a quiz on pronouns at the end of the week.

Monday Homework
Some classes need to finish reading warm-up for a grade tomorrow.

Thursday Homework

Review Pronouns
Get permission slips signed (3)
Review notes on Arachne
Pronouns Grammar Rock
Nouns Grammar Rock

Students took a quiz on grammar today and they had their test on "Arachne."  (Both were open book and notes)
Some students still owe me make-up work, progress reports and letters to be signed.  Today I changed all missing work to zeros.  They can still turn everything in!

If a student needs to retake a quiz they can see me during Core 7. 

Thanks and have a great weekend! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

This Week

Students should have their notebooks set up.  Please have them go over this with you.

Students have their He Lion Test and Grammar Quiz in the notebook on pages 25 & 26.  They may talk to me tomorrow about a retest on He Lion and Grammar.

I have given many book talks to interest students in reading.  I will continue to find books talks and book trailers to share.  Students are required to have a novel to read at school everyday.  They should be reading at home each night.  Students should be keeping a reading log and they have a book challenge of  30 books.  Please ask them about the book challenge.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

This Week

Last week students received a letter from Brunswick County about novels.  Please sign and return.

I also did a notebook check and students need to make sure to show me their notebooks.  We finally finished our projects :) and we have started on "He Lion, Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit."  Students should have finished a personification sheet in class. If not, they need to complete for homework.

Students received a progress report today.  Please sign and return.

Students should have completed personification sheet and finished reading story.

They will have a test on the story and a quiz on Nouns on Friday.
Study notes on characteristic of folklore, elements of a story, nouns and worksheets on "He Lion"

reread......"He Lion, Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit"

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

This Week

Students are working in teams while looking at folklore.  Each team is responsible for identifying the plot in the story, creating a plot chart and determining the characteristics of folklore in the selected story.  They also need to be able to identify the elements of a story.  Most groups are finished and all teams will be presenting their story and evidence tomorrow.

I started checking notebooks today.  Students are required to keep a notebook with daily bellringers and notes.  Students are required to keep it organized and labeled.

They can be prepared by checking their notebook.

Bellringer 1  Expectations
Bellringer 2 1st day of School
Bellringer 3 Types of Folklore
Notes on Folklore
Bellringer 4 Plot
Notes on Plot
Bellringer 5 Elements of a story (5 things)
Bellringer 6 Childhood Story
Bellringer 7 Textual Evidence
Plot Chart