Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Class Discussion

We will be finishing our unit on Short Stories within the next few weeks. Students seem to enjoy using ghost stories and some of the stories out of the literature book. The field trip to UNCW was successful. The kids really enjoyed watching plays of the short stories that we have read in class. Also, we have been focusing on the elements of a short story (plot, characters, theme, setting and conflict). We will start Mythology next.

Students are still reading their novels everyday in school. Please make sure that they are reading at home as well. I have added a lot of books to my classroom library for students to find books of interest. Everyone seems to enjoy reading a novel of choice. They are required to read certain genres. You can check their Reader's Notebook to see if they are meeting the genre requirements. They should have read at least 7 books by the end of the nine weeks.

Students can order books out of scholastic. Every time a parent places an order online, I get a free book for the classroom library!

The end of the nine weeks is soon. Report Cards will go home on November 9th. Please make sure all makeup work is turned in by Friday.

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