Monday, April 15, 2013



Students need to update their Reader's Notebook.  How many novels have they read so far?  How many novels from each genre?  What do they need to read for the rest of the year?  Are they recording page numbers in the book?  Author? Title? Date Completed?  Was the novel easy? Just right? Challenging? 

Students also need to look over Grammar.  Do they know their helping verbs, being verbs, pronouns, nouns, articles and action verbs? Can they tell you what an adjective is? Interrogative Sentence? 


Students have a questionnaire that they are supposed to fill out that pertains to their family's culture and heritage. The questions are not limited to is just a guideline.  They also have a family tree to work on.  This is due Friday.  They may be creative and bring in artifacts, visuals, or recordings.

Students must complete grammar practice sheets.

Students must organize Reader's Notebook. 


Work on project :)

Project and Adjectives worksheet for 3rd core

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