Monday, February 22, 2010

Letter Sent Home Today

Dear Parents,
We will start our first class novel, Number the Stars, this week. The novel deals with the Holocaust and teaches a great theme, tolerance. Before we begin the novel, it is important that students have background information on the Holocaust. They will begin researching the Holocaust in a couple of days using a website from the social studies textbook and from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Please review the websites listed below. These are informative websites which allow students to read and listen to videos about the Holocaust. We will do a basic research project of who, what, when, where and why. This can be a wonderful opportunity for students to discuss what they are doing at school with their family. I encourage you to talk with your child about questions that they may have as we study the Holocaust. Most students are very excited and interested in learning about the Holocaust. While the events of this tragedy are horrific and shocking, the rich educational opportunities that it encompasses can not be denied. It is my hope that each student will gain a new perspective not only on the world, but their fellow students as well. Teaching Tolerance is a constant theme in 6th grade literature and it is very important for students to understand and learn. Number the Stars is an excellent novel and I hope they enjoy reading it.
Mrs. King
Nonfiction books and videos in our library based on the Holocaust
Number the Stars
*you can go to my website,, and you can go to the links on the Holocaust.

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