Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poetry Review

Students will probably see Poetry on the benchmark and it will definitely be on the EOGs. Here are a few terms that we have been discussing: (Buckle Down Books)

Line: row of words

Stanza: lines grouped together like paragraphs

Sound Effects
Rhyme- repetition of sounds

Rhythm- the "beat" of a poem

Alliteration- the repetition of the first consonant sounds. "Polly Parker picks a peck of peculiar petunias."

Dialect- a variety of language spoken by a certain group of people. The poet uses dialect to create sound.

Figurative Language
Simile: a comparison using like or as. "The fish's scales sparkled in the sunlight like rare jewels." The scales are being compared to jewels using the word like.

Metaphor: a comparison not using like or as. "Jacob's new puppy is an eating machine."

Personification: gives animals or objects human qualities. "The chocolate cake on the counter called out to Jared, begging him to take a bite."

Hyperbole: extreme exaggeration usually to make a point or to get a laugh. "That girl could run from New York all the way to Wyoming without stopping."

Types of Poetry
Light Verse -funny or playful poem
Narrative Poetry- poetry that tells a story
Haiku -3 line Japanese Poem (5-7-5)
Lyric Poetry- musical quality
Sonnet-14 lines usually rhymes
Blank Verse-poetry that doesn't rhyme but has a pattern or beat
Free Verse-no particular rhyme or pattern
Pattern Poetry-poetry that follows a pattern
Limerick-5 line poem with a rhyme scheme of aabba with a punch line
Concrete Poems-shape poem

Other Terms:
analogy: a comparison of two things

image: a vivid picture the poem paints in the reader's mind

sensory words: words that appeal to the senses....touch, taste, smell, sound, or sight

symbol: something that stands for something else....a dove is often used as a symbol of peace.

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