Wednesday, September 3, 2014

This Week

Students are working in teams while looking at folklore.  Each team is responsible for identifying the plot in the story, creating a plot chart and determining the characteristics of folklore in the selected story.  They also need to be able to identify the elements of a story.  Most groups are finished and all teams will be presenting their story and evidence tomorrow.

I started checking notebooks today.  Students are required to keep a notebook with daily bellringers and notes.  Students are required to keep it organized and labeled.

They can be prepared by checking their notebook.

Bellringer 1  Expectations
Bellringer 2 1st day of School
Bellringer 3 Types of Folklore
Notes on Folklore
Bellringer 4 Plot
Notes on Plot
Bellringer 5 Elements of a story (5 things)
Bellringer 6 Childhood Story
Bellringer 7 Textual Evidence
Plot Chart

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